You likely retained hospice care for your loved one so that they can feel safe and at peace for the remainder of their life. So it is nothing short of heartbreaking when there is abuse involved. Continue reading to learn the indications of hospice care elder abuse and how a seasoned California hospice care abuse lawyer at Cowdrey Jenkins LLP can support you throughout this difficult time.
Why may hospice care be necessary?
By definition, hospice care is a type of care that focuses on the quality of life for an individual who is suffering from an advanced, life-limiting, and/or incurable illness. This type of care fosters comfort for the individual as, unfortunately, the final stage of death will soon be accepted.
What are the signs of hospice care elder abuse?
Just like in nursing homes, hospitals, or otherwise, hospice care may have signs of abuse that you must look out for on your loved one’s behalf. Common indications are as follows:
- Your loved one fears being touched, which is a newly detected behavior.
- Your loved one’s medication is not working, which is unusual.
- Your loved one appears unhygienic, which is unusual.
- Your loved one has bed sores, which are usually preventable.
- Your loved one is losing weight, with no reasoning behind it.
- Your loved one has bruises and/or fractures, which are left unexplained.
- Your loved one recently fell, which is left unexplained.
- Your loved one complains about losing money or personal belongings, which you cannot locate either.
What should I do once I confirm hospice care elder abuse?
You must mark your loved one’s complaints as valid. That is, if they are claiming that they are being abused whilst in hospice care, then you must take immediate action and report it to any or all of the following entities:
- Local law enforcement.
- The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.
- The Long-Term Care Ombudsman CRISISline.
- The California Department of Social Services.
When should I hire an elder abuse lawyer?
Soon after reporting the incident of abuse, you should turn to a skilled California elder abuse lawyer who can help you in filing your elder abuse claim. First, we will assist you in collecting proof to support your claim, such as the following:
- A police report or any other report of your loved one’s incident.
- Photos and videos of your loved one’s injuries.
- Medical documentation and bills regarding your loved one’s injuries.
- Witness testimonies of your loved one’s incident.
Next, our lawyers will ensure that you file everything necessary before the state of California’s statute of limitations. Generally, this is two years from the date of your loved one’s incident. So, before it is too late, reach out to our firm and schedule your initial consultation.